Key decision taken for Spring Contest

You are likely already aware that we won’t have a fall contest this year. The earlier post assumed that the spring contest will have International Speech Contest and the Table Topics Contest as usual.

However, that assumption was off the mark as the change also brought in the option of choosing any of the available contests for one of the two spring contests.

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[This article has been reproduced, with permission, from the August 2018 edition of the Warehouse Toastmasters Newsletter]

District 57 has come up with an unusual strategy to minimize the effects of global warming. We are simply moving the district to a cooler region. What? You don’t remember moving? Well, we did!

Much as District 57 reorganizes its Areas and Divisions from time to time, Toastmasters International reorganizes its districts and regions. Starting July 1, District 57 was moved from Region 2 to Region 1.

Region 2 is a relatively hot region which includes most of California south of here, Hawaii and Southern Nevada. Region 1 is a much cooler region. It includes most of California north of here, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Northern Nevada, Western Utah, British Columbia, the Yukon Territory and Alaska.

We have definitely moved into a cooler region. If this summer doesn’t get as hot as last year, you can thank Toastmasters International.


If you couldn’t make it to TLI on July 7th, you missed a good one. Check out some of the details of what went on that day here.

If you are a club officer, it is important that you get the training for the role(s) you play for the club. But don’t lose heart–makeup sessions are coming up in the next few weeks, until the end of August. You can train as needed, and your club will also benefit by adding DCP points. The latest on the schedule of these makeup session is available on our district website here.

For now, the following have been set up:

July 31 – Divisions D & E
August 4 – Division G
August 8 – Division C
August 10 – Division A
August 14 – Divisions D & E
August 17 – Divisions H & F
August 23 – Division B

Details of their locations and timings are available on the district calendar. Please choose one of these to attend if you need to get trained for your office.

These are not limited to club officers. Members can attend as well. This may help them understand the roles involved and get them prepared for future participation as club officers.

Awards and recognition at the district installation dinner

Our district held the officer installation and awards dinner on Saturday, July 14. The new leadership team for the current year was installed by Michael Notaro, Past International President. The outgoing leadership team including Area and Division Directors were recognized.

Venkat Raman, City Speech member, was recognized for service as Area I-33 Director, Club Coach for Digitalkers, as well as Club Sponsor for Lam Research Toastmasters.

The recognition of Area Director of the Year went to Albert Mo, Area Director for I-13, a sister area in our division. I-13 came in as Select Distinguished, one of only two areas in the district to achieve it. Six other areas achieved the Distinguished status. The district had 35 districts in total.

Our division, Division I, was the only one that achieved distinction. It came in with a Select Distinguished status. Merideth White, our division director last year, was recognized as the Division Director of the Year for Division I.

Given below is the District 57 Leadership Team for this year.

Where’s Waldo?

Your club officers have been hard at work, training to be good at their tasks.

District 57-organized Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI), as advertised before, and was held last Saturday, July 7th. Our club had excellent representation there. Only one officer could not make it. He will attend a make-up session and take care of his training.

The fun fact is that the picture above captures four of us in attendance. Can you spot us, the Waldos? Stumped? Look for hint in our newsletter!

It was a day filled with energy, excitement, surprises, challenges, inspiration, learning, and most importantly, training. Training for officer roles. Learning new skills and ideas.

Another fun fact is that City Speech Toastmasters got focused attention in front of all the attendees in the packed auditorium. As seen in the picture above, I had the opportunity to get on stage and describe the success we had with our Elevator Pitch Workshop in January. We have now set the bar of expectation to show concrete results over time. We will strive to generate a positive track record and report back with our continued success next year.

I have the privilege of writing up a detailed report on TLI for the district. It will give you a more well-rounded and in-depth account of how the event progressed. It is now published on our district website here.

With the dedication shown by our officers in attending and getting trained in club leadership, we look forward to turning in the best year yet in our club’s history. Join us next Tuesday to learn more about what this means.

Come and join us. It’ll be worth it. It’s easy. Register here and just come by. Guest attendance is free.

Venkat Raman

TLI Registration now open

Hope you have already marked your calendars…JULY 7 is when District 57 (our district) will offer training programs for club officers for the new Toastmasters year spanning July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

TLI is a great event for officers and members alike. You get a lot of information. Yes, you can attend even if you are not an officer. And you should–you may get inspired by something you learn and you may take on an officer role!

Set this date aside for an enjoyable, educational experience.

Registration is now open. Visit the TLI page to register yourself. Make sure all your fellow officers are registered as well.

Online sales end tomorrow, but if you miss it, you can walk in and register at the door.

The results are in: Here is the new District officer trio!

We had our spring district conference last Saturday, May 5th. In addition to an array of speakers, we also had an election that established our leadership team for the next Toastmasters year starting in July.

Here’s the trio that we will all depend on in 2018-2019 for a smooth functioning of our beloved district 57:

District 57 Director — Diane Pleuss
Program Quality Director — Kevin Markl
Club Growth Director — Bett Bollhoefer

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