Where’s Waldo?

Your club officers have been hard at work, training to be good at their tasks.

District 57-organized Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI), as advertised before, and was held last Saturday, July 7th. Our club had excellent representation there. Only one officer could not make it. He will attend a make-up session and take care of his training.

The fun fact is that the picture above captures four of us in attendance. Can you spot us, the Waldos? Stumped? Look for hint in our newsletter!

It was a day filled with energy, excitement, surprises, challenges, inspiration, learning, and most importantly, training. Training for officer roles. Learning new skills and ideas.

Another fun fact is that City Speech Toastmasters got focused attention in front of all the attendees in the packed auditorium. As seen in the picture above, I had the opportunity to get on stage and describe the success we had with our Elevator Pitch Workshop in January. We have now set the bar of expectation to show concrete results over time. We will strive to generate a positive track record and report back with our continued success next year.

I have the privilege of writing up a detailed report on TLI for the district. It will give you a more well-rounded and in-depth account of how the event progressed. It is now published on our district website here.

With the dedication shown by our officers in attending and getting trained in club leadership, we look forward to turning in the best year yet in our club’s history. Join us next Tuesday to learn more about what this means.

Come and join us. It’ll be worth it. It’s easy. Register here and just come by. Guest attendance is free.

Venkat Raman

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